What’s Happening at Medicine Bowl?

A Thriving Residential Community

Medicine Bowl has a thriving residential community of queer, trans, and non-binary Black, Indigenous, People of Color individuals and families. This community shares in the stewarding, maintenance, and overall caretaking of Medicine Bowl grounds, buildings, and barns. All residential members practice collective processes of meal prepping, chore sharing, farming, and animal husbandry duties. Medicine Bowl residential members share in a culture of care, accountability, and trust that transcends the trappings of heteronormative, nuclear scripts traditionally ascribed to community, home, and family. 

Residential Community Values:

  • Radical Interdependence

  • Trust

  • Honesty 

  • Culture of Care 

  • Shared Leadership

Harriet Tubman Survival School 

Harriet Tubman Survival School's (HTSS) mission is to bridge the gap between the theory and practice of land-based survival. Afro Survivalists around the globe report that Black people are the least prepared for large scale natural or political disasters. The ever-present threat of climate disaster that has impacted the Southern coast, caused fires on both coasts, as well as the legacy of Katrina bear this truth. Disasters render us houseless, jobless, and ill at higher rates than any other demographic. Often recovery is impossible. HTSS believes that we can remember the skills our ancestors used to survive the middle passage, stay alive during slavery, escape to freedom, and build autonomous thriving communities. Grounded in an Afro-Survivalist praxis, HTSS is designed to train BIPOC organizers in land-based survival skills, healing modalities, and emergency preparedness techniques.

Harriet Tubman Survival School Goals:

  • Governance - West African Medicine Wheel Praxis

  • Basic Survival Skills Practice

  • Wilderness Wellness

  • Digital Detox

  • Deepen Relationship with Nature